Sunday, 7 December 2014

Important Save ILF

Judge decision for ILF on the 8th December. This is important have ILF for disabled people needs.

Why the Government want close of the Independent Living Fund make to change life without supports. I worry about disabled people have no life, no supports, no job, no families, no independent and change life in the future. I don’t want disabled people go to care home because no choice rights, it is expensive, poor supports and will be depressed.

I want all MPs and councils understand about important need have budget needs and look after for disabled people.

I believe disabled people have choice rights for ILF and they still are strong to tell what needs supports. I want all MPs and councils listen and follow what disabled persons are saying about it.

Good luck and please keep campaign! 

Sunday, 23 November 2014

my dream job

Advisor for Disability Rights

·      NHS
·      Social care
·      Fundings
·      Education
·      Families with children disabled
·      Change way
·      Choice rights
·      Speech
·      Law, political and legal
·      Support for disabled adults
·      Government advisor and MPs
·      Media social

What I want to do this job in the future. I want to change in the world for disability because I heard problem government decided budget cuts for disabled people make my frustrated I want to tell. I want to change way for NHS, Education, Social Care and Media Social. I want to support for families with disabled children because parents don’t know how is controlling with children. It is important disabled people have choice rights life. I want to change improve for Law, Political and Legal. I would like to help many idea for disability because I went to mainstream school, I join campaign with disabled people, I went to conferences and workshops about disability something, I went to do speech in houses of parliament and I know about my experience grown up. I want to do teach about medical model and social model this is important everybody know about it.

I’m hoping to find this job, I would like to work experience first but I want to study at university make me knowledge. So, I would like to work for 3 days because I have a cerebral palsy, use wheelchair, I have communication aid, I’m deaf but I can hear everything with cochlear implant but I need BSL interpreters. I have a personal assistants teams because I need someone help me feeding, drinking and personal care. I have difficult to write English on communication aid make me tired and slow.

I have a CV, if you want contact me my email is 

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Meeting with MP about ILF in Calderdale

I went to meeting with Linda Riordan MP at Halifax Town Hall on the 17th October.

·      I said I would like to talk about Independent Living Fund this is ok?
·      She said we have talked about this before.
·      I said now it is fine but next year big change my life without support for me, I don’t want my parents look after me and I won’t go to care home this will be terrible.
·      She said I totally agree, I always will help you and make sure government will support disabled people.
·      I said how many disabled people have Independent Living Fund in Calderdale?
·      She said I will find out for you. I know we had this is meeting before and it’s not been really helpful for you.
·      I said how many MPs decided have Independent Living Find?
·      She said maybe 2 or 3 but I’m not 100% sure.
·      I said it means they have decided disabled people have Independent Living Fund.
·      She said we will ask these questions to council.
·      I said it is important for me I need have personal assistants because I’m busy life but if without I stay at home every day do nothing and I will have mind health problem.
·      She said don’t worry, I will support you as my mother is disabled and I understand where you coming from. I know you are busy person I will try my best.
·      I said thank you, I believe disabled people should have rights and choice.
·      She said I agree. We had disabled girl came on Monday and wanted same support as you. You need to make sure you keep in touch and let me know if there is any change in the future.

I think this meeting went well but I think Linda should research more about Independent Living Fund and support for disabled people in Calderdale. She said agree but I think it is not working and she said will ask council but I think her responsible job MP. I didn’t know she has disabled mother same David Cameron had disabled son but they should know about it. I really hope Linda will take this seriously because this will affect disabled people in the future.

End meeting I felt emotional because first time I can do myself with my new PA. 

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Disabled people working for £2 hour, I don't think so

I don't believe happened MP said disabled people wage £2 for works. I think it is not enough money pay everything. If  I  go to work and I have £2  I feel like cheap labor but normal wage £6.50. It is same thing ILF and budget cuts. it is important equality disabled people get a jobs opportunities. why MPs decided but make disabled people lost life without supports families and friends, social and communities, this is so discrimination what MPs were saying about it. sometimes I felt so angry with David Cameron because he had disabled son but he should know about disability rights. in the future I'm hoping disabled person control government.

Thursday, 25 September 2014

ILF it is important my life


My name is Nadia Clarke. I am from Halifax, West Yorkshire. I am 22 years old, I'm deaf and have Cerebral Palsy.

I am working for an organisation called Triangle in Brighton. I am also doing English at Bradford college. Sometimes I give presentations at different venues about my life. I regularly go to meetings and conferences for organisations and charities like One Voice and Quiet Riot. I am often involved in campaigning for disability rights.

I go to Rainbow House in Ormskirk every week for physiotherapy. I have a physiotherapist visit me at home too and I regularly go swimming.

I love going to the cinema, theatre and going to see live music. I like going out for a drink, meet friends, shopping and going on holiday.

In the future I want travel the world, studying at University, live independently, become a model, interview famous people, become a working advisor for Disability Rights and to have a relationship and children.

I feel so worried about the possible closure of the Independent Living Fund next year.  If I have no Personal Assistants this will change my life, it will be terrible because I will feel so depressed, have mind and health problems, do nothing but stay at home all day and watch TV.  My parents will have to look after me but how they have no money and my life will worthless. 

Many disabled people need money for Independent Living Fund it is really important for our health and well-being.  

Thank you for listening to me.

This is written in BSL and AAC 

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Barriers in my life

When I was a teenager, I thought it is fine in the future, I was so excited. When I was 18 I want to go to University but many different Universities would not let me go because they said need qualifications and I was not good enough English. 

Last year I want to go to University in Bedfordshire but they said 'sorry, will close course Disability Studies'. I think people don't care about disabled people want to go to Universities because worry about money but they don't care choice, rights.

I live in Halifax with my family for 16 years I feel like stuck but I remember I had communities in Halifax it was great but for five years I don't like Halifax because so boring and nothing to do. I went to London many times I love it so much because lots of opportunities for disability everything and I know people, that why I was thinking to move in London but many people said important with family near house make me frustrated. I said I don't know where they are living but my sister and brother go! 

Sometimes I don't want to move because I will be waiting for money and I am so scared about all the funding cuts. I am independent and I would love to travel in the world like my Mum went to travel for 11 years. I want to travel in Australia but because funding not sure I can. 

I feel so angry with people think about money all and want to cut funding for disabled people. I want all disabled people have dream in the future and important choice, rights. I think why I have many barrier life but I am so proud who I am. Sometimes I felt shit and really bored fed up day, I need positive mind!

I am wondering if you interested to help me, how is changing improve for disability campaign about barrier life and choice, rights. Email me! My email is or on facebook Nadia Clarke or on twitter @nadsyclarke

This is written using BSL and AAC

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Meeting with MP about ILF

23rd June Houses of Parliament with Inclusion for London
Today I went to the meeting with Kate Green MP about Independent Living Funding. This was important disabled people go to see her, but Kate said try to change policy because it was difficult for the shadow government funding. I know Labour Party MPs would like to help with disabled people but they are worrying about funding because much disabled people need have Independent Living Funding this is problem with local authorities.
I heard care home are expensive but Independent Living Funding are cheap. I don't understand why they cut Independent Living Fund! This is wrong because important disabled people have life. I worry about quick year 2015 soon will close Independent Living Funding what happening with disabled people? They will go to family home or care home like back history. 
I believe disabled people have life same everyone this is equality. Strong campaign again and challenge campaign again. I have fantastic idea organising with art and drama event next year I am hoping have funding and anyone want join?
It was great day and I was so happy! 
This is written using BSL and AAC

Tuesday, 8 July 2014


1st July 2014

Independent living funding

Hello My name is Nadia Clarke I live in Halifax West Yorkshire and I’m 22 years old. I’m deaf and have a cerebral palsy. I have a big team of gorgeous ladies, personal assistants for 14 years.

I need personal assistants because make me independent without my family and they care for me. All my personal assistants can use British Sign Language this is important for me because Personal Assistants communicate with me.  My personal assistants also support me with my   personal care and support me whilst I work, also safeguard me against vulnerability in the community. It is good relationship with personal assistants because like emotional, understanding and communication.

If the Government close the independent living funding, I don’t want to go to care home and have social isolation. I will lose my life because I have many opportunities for me in the future. New staffs can’t use sign language and maybe I will not use communication aid because they don’t understand about it. I don’t want my parents look after me because I’m worrying about they will be old and have not enough money in the future. My brothers and sisters have jobs and busy life. I feel like back history, all disabled will end up in an institution with no rights and no money.

Thank you for listening to me.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

My day in London at a Trailblazers event

18th June 2014 Parliament 

I went to The Houses of Parliament for a TrailBlazers event. It was about high street and shopping centre accessibility. I arrived in the room and thought "oh shit! Access!" because there were so many wheelchairs nobody could move! MP's need to understand about access in Houses of Parliament because we have The Equality Act 2010. I know that it is a listed building but I know many disabled people who go there for disability rights campaigning so why was the access not better?

I felt empowered when I spoke but they said try and speak to the local council. I know that today didn't work the way I had hoped because councils don't want to spend money on wheelchair access. I hoped that these people at the event would have the power to make a difference but they they sent me back to speak to my local councils! Surely this is an MP's job, not mine to go back and do it for myself! I had hoped for more from the MP's and that they would listen and make changes from the inside, from the The Houses of Parliament. Why are they not taking some responsibility?

Disabled people asked questions but I wanted MP's to listen to all our experiences. The questions we read were sent in advance but they still didn't seem to have answers. I travelled all the way from Halifax today to help but left feeling disappointed because I felt like I didn't have the chance to share my personal insight to help the MP's find a better way to improve disabled people's shopping experience.
I hope that MP's in the future will make more time to listen and will support disabled people to make a change from The Houses of Parliament and not sending us back to where we are from and ask us to do it ourselves. MP's have power, please help us by using it!

Thank you for organising this day TrialBlazers, it was great to have spoken in The Houses of Parliament and I hope to do it again very soon!

P.S. This has been translated from BSL and AAC to English

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Deaf and English

Hello everyone!

Thank you for reading my blog about problem with university last week. So, my PA was helping to change English but I think it was not my words because I want to show people.

I try explain, I have 3 different languages British Sign Language BSL, English and speak communication aid called DynaVox. My brain full BSL and change to write English on DynaVox use every days make me tired, slow and difficult.

My experience with English, I went to mainstream school grown up but my supports staffs had no time taught me how is improve with English because busy in school. My mother told school please teach English for many years but never happened. Grown up I was lazy use DynaVox because I was scared people didn’t understand I was saying it and I didn’t know how was writing English. I remember one time, I had GCSEs exams in room with 2 supports staffs and 1 person watch me. I saw exams paper I thought I can’t read and write make me sick and dizzy. It was so terrible! When I was 17, I went to mainstream college. I did study Health and Social Care and 1 person taught me how improve English it was fantastic, I felt better and make me confident with English but I had exams failed 3 times because people didn’t understand about deaf. I left to college, my mother was trying to find teacher English for me. Few months ago, new teacher English came to my house I was so excited it. But he was not coming to help with me because he didn’t understand about deaf again and I think he was bastard attitude.
I need to learn how improve English and strong words because I want fantastic job in the future this is important for me. I think it is better to go to deaf college somewhere. If I confident to write my blog make to show people.

I believe use BSL and English this is equality everyone!